Monday, 16 November 2015

unit 78 Digital graphics for computer games

How will you be creating your digital graphics?

  • Consider technical limitations and the screen resolution
  • Consider software (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks, GameMaker) – also the interface too (work area, tool box, status bar, file information, window control, floating palettes, palette docking, tabs etc…)
  • File extensions and compression for the files
  • Consider technology (Computers, laptops, peripherals etc…)
  • Graphic specification
  •  The plan
  • Time management – deadlines (production schedule, deliverables and quality assurance)
  • Asset management – export file path, file format, compression, file naming conventions and file backup 
  • Workflow – optimising, bit depth, resolution
  • Menu – open, save, new, import, export, edit
  • Image settings – size, resolutions, width, height, colour mode, transparency, aspect ratio, file name
  • Drawing tools – the tools I have used to create my sprites are(tool options, brush, pencil, duplicate, clone, fill, text, line, shape, zoom, guides and rulers, grid, palettes eg, colour, gradients, layers, object, brushes, history, actions, size, layers, eg copying, saving, arranging; flattening; colour selection, eg foreground, background, colour swatch and eye dropper. 
  • Editing tools: lasso, copy, paste,magic wand, scale, rotate, erase, fill
  • Advanced tools: brightness, contrast, transparency, brushes
  • In-Game Graphics: heads up display, gif, animation, image textures, concept art, Weapons, character, vehicles, environment backgrounds
  • Print media graphics: game packaging, box cover, manual. label, poster, concept artwork
  • Production stages: original development files, final flattened, optimised image
  • Aesthetic qualities: composition, colour palettes, typography, creation of meaning
  • Industry practice: reflect on finished product (compared with original intentions, fitness for purpose, technical qualities, aesthetic qualities), productions skills (ideas generation, graphics specifications, workflow and time management, technical competence),

Monday, 9 November 2015

My brief

Some title for work
Name : Thomas berry
Date :09/11/2015

Concept ideas

Wayne's brief
Waynes brief is to create a game that has 5 levels, One main character and some form of obstacles.

My brief
my game is is called tiddles and the main object of the game is to reach the 5th level of the game without dying. and to collect secrets and to defeat evil robot versions of yourself and finally get to the Master control system that keeps creating more versions of yourself. the only way you can defeat him is by collecting secret items that has a use in taking down his health. but they are not easy to find some will be in plain sight but others will be super hard to find and others you'll have to solve puzzles and riddles to find the rest.