Thursday, 10 March 2016

Unit 73 sound for computer games

Task one: My game is a space invaders remake instead of aliens trying to destroy you it's called Trigun invaders this time you get bandits and thief's trying to kill you the end game i am hoping for is for you to take out the 13 Gung-Ho-Guns.
  • Monev the Gale
  • Dominique the Cyclops
  • E.G. Mine
  • Rai-Dei the Blade
  • Leonof the Puppet-Master
  • Gray the Ninelives
  • Hoppered the Gauntlet
  • Zazie the Beast
  • Midvalley the Hornfreak
  • Caine the Longshot
  • Chapel
  • Elendira the Crimsonnail
  • Livio the Double Fang
  • Razlo the Tri-punisher of Death
Razlo and Livio are the same person only they have a different transformation one you defeat Livio he will then go off screen and come back on screen as Razlo.

the sounds i would like to make is the sound of an M60 light machine gun for my main character wolfwood and a sound of a .45 magnum for my second character vash the stampede so that i can get the sounds of their guns correct.

YouTube links for work:

walking sound:

menu music:

how to play music:

options music:

work sound:
To get the walking sound for my enemies i had Thomas estill and jack walk to help me record the sound of the footsteps on a wooden
floor to make it sound good then we went outside to some gravel to make the sound of the gravel sound and we had some wind interference but that we put in there because it sounded good when we tuned it a bit so it went with the footsteps now i have uploaded it to my game and it fits in with the footsteps really well. to edit my sound i used cut, time shift tool, undo, redo, delete, copy, paste, import, export

am i pleased with the work i have made - yes i am please with the sound and work that i have created and made and i think that i might of been able to make something a little better but i am happy with what i made.
could i make it better - yeah i could make it better but couldn't everyone make something better, but yes i believe i could of made something much better if i had more time to concentrate and payed attention and got my work done in time.

Social, Ethical and Legal Issues in DOOM and Resident Evil 5

Social, legal and Ethical issues in Doom.

Columbine High School Shooting: At the columbine high school in 1999 on April the 20th  two teenagers went on a shooting spree killing 13 people and wounding more then 20 people after that they turned the guns on themselves and committing suicide, it was known as the worst high school massacre in U.S. history, they made the crime into a prompted debate on gun control and school safety, they also placed a massive investigation to figure out what motivated the two teenagers too go on a shooting spree the two teenagers were identified as Eric Harris aged 18 and Dylan Klebold aged 17, according to the report the had committed the killing spree because they were subjected to bullying, they were part of an outside group that was mainly looked apon by goth culture, or maybe it was violet video games that made them do it but none of it was really proven.

At the time of 11:19 A.M. Eric and Dylan were dressed in trench coats and began shooting students outside of the school, they then moved inside the school where they then began shooting students inside at the time of 11:35 A.M. they had already killed 12 students, 1 teacher and wounded more then 20 people after 12:00 P.M. they turned the guns on themselves and committed suicide.

the investigators later found out that the two teenagers had arrived in two different cars around 11 A.M. the morning of the massacre, the two then proceeded inside the school and went to the cafeteria, they placed two separate duffel bags containing a 20-pound propane bomb that was meant to explode at 11:17 A.M. the two then went back outside to their cars too wait for the explosion, when it failed to detonate the two then began their shooting spree.

Many people believe that the two teens did this because of playing Doom and many other violent games but no one knows why they actually did it but one of the teens had a journals left by the boys and they found out that they were planning to bomb their school for a year similar to the 1995 Oklahoma city bombings. but investigators still don't know the true true reason behind why the two teens did what they did.

Social, legal and Ethical issues in Resident Evil 5.

Problems with resident evil 5: in resident evil 5 there was a small problem with the zombies you were killing in the new release of the game, the game is set in Africa the zombies you are shooting/fighting but there was a slight problem with the game because a lot of  journalists and commentators raised concern that Resident Evil 5 is saying that Africans are a load of savages and the game is making quite a few stereotypes, when it was released a lot of people weren't happy about what they got. in the game all you were shooting at were all black people now you can see the wrong part of the picture here and a lot of people noticed causing a bunch of complaints and after those complaints got through to the company they had to fix it putting in more zombies but this time they made them mixed colors in with the others so it didn't look that bad,

In one of the scenes from the game you can see a white women running out of a house screaming for help as a infected black man comes out the house and drags the women inside with him, this isn't a good sign because this if taken into the wrong way is making it look like that the women is afraid of him causing a bit of a racial stereotype they had to change that into a slightly lighter character so that it didn't look that bad when the game was re-released in march again.